VR show

The VR show is a first-person shooting game with 2 players collaborating to shoot down enemy bots while putting on a VR headset

Virtual Reality(VR)  tricks your brain into believing you are in a 3D world using stereoscopic display where it displays two slightly different angles of the scene to each eye, simulating depth. Also, there was a platform where people will stand on to stimulate movement in the game.

Accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer are used to achieve movement of the headset. The accelerometer is used to detect three-dimensional movement. The gyroscope is used to detect angular movement. The magnetometer is used for position relative to the Earth.

The map in the game:
VR shares some similar elements as Augmented Reality(AR). AR is a type of virtual reality technology that blends what the user sees in their real surroundings with digital content generated by computer software. In short, the maps seen in the game are specially programmed to suit the 3D world in the VR headset. Likewise, the characters in the game are also specially programmed and the weapons in the game uses the same sensors found in the headset.

Applications of virtual reality:
Not only just for gaming, VR also has other uses. More common uses are for cinema and entertainment purposes. However, there are also other uses like for medical training purposes, psychology, military purposes, space training and a few more.

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